The following rules are as agreed at the Essex AGM held on the 20th May 2014
The Association shall be called the ESSEX County Table Tennis Association.
(a) The Association shall be part of the English Table Tennis Association
(b) The objects of the Association shall be as follows:-
(i) To act as the controlling and governing body of the sport of Table Tennis in the County of Essex subject to any overriding decisions of the National Council of the English Table Tennis Association.
(ii) To assist and encourage the formation of Table Tennis Leagues and clubs in the County of Essex and to promote the sport in every possible way.
(a) The area of jurisdiction of the Association shall be the County of Essex as defined by the Rules of the E.T.T.A.
In these Rules and any regulations made thereunder
(a) The following words and phrases shall have the meaning assigned by this rule:
(i) The Association: The Essex County Table Tennis Association.
(ii) E.T.T.A.: The English Table Tennis Association.
(iii) National Council: The National Council of the E.T.T.A.
(iv) Member: Any persons mentioned in Rule 5(a)(i) or an Official, Player or other member of a Body mentioned in Rule 5(a)(ii) or of a club in membership, of, or affiliated to, such a body.
(b) Words and phrases defined by the Rules of the E.T.T.A and not otherwise defined by these Rules shall have the meaning assigned to them by the Rules of the E.T.T.A.
(a) The Association shall consist of:-
(i) President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary Life Members, duly elected Officers, and duly appointed officials.
(ii) All Local Leagues, Directly Affiliated clubs and Directly Affiliated individuals affiliated to the E.T.T.A. which are within the jurisdiction of the Association, as prescribed by the National Council (except such as shall be granted exemption by the E.T.T.A.).
(b) The Association shall accept into Good Standing:
(i) All organisations within the jurisdiction of the Association which are in Good Standing with the E.T.T.A.
(ii) All County or Regional Associations or Organisations covering the area or part of the area of jurisdiction of this Association which are part of, or affiliated to, National Associations or Organisations in Good Standing with the E.T.T.A.
(iii) The County Schools Table Tennis Association and Schools Leagues and Schools
Clubs within the jurisdiction of the Association except such as may be affiliated.
(a) Affiliation to the Association shall be compulsory for all local Leagues, Directly Affiliated clubs and Directly Affiliated Individuals in the County subject to a right of appeal to the National Council for exemption.
(b) Application: Every applicant for affiliation shall complete the current affiliation form and shall sign it on behalf of himself/herself or of the League or club on whose behalf the application is made.
(c) A club or individual not directly affiliated to the E.T.T.A. may apply to be directly affiliated to the Association, provided that it or he/she is affiliated to the E.T.T.A. through another body.
(d) Every local league and directly affiliated club shall send to the General Secretary of the Association, not later than 30 November each season, a copy of its current Rules.
(e) No person or body may affiliate to the association unless affiliated to the E.T.T.A.
(a) The Affiliation Fee per person shall be as follows:
(i) Local leagues shall pay £9.00 per team registered within that local league.
(ii) Directly affiliated clubs £9.00.
(iii) Directly affiliated individuals £9.00.
(b) (i) Each League wishing to be affiliated shall pay the Treasurer the affiliation fees due (together with the amount of any fees imposed upon that League under these Rules and previously unpaid) no later that 06 October each season. If the total of such affiliation fees and/or fines is unpaid by 13 October then that League shall be fined £ 10 in addition to the said total and another £ 5 for every further seven days that the said total remains unpaid. If the aggregate of all these amounts is unpaid by the 06 November then the Management Committee shall decide whether to accept that League into affiliation, and if so upon what terms. No League shall be considered as having affiliated until the total amount due as detailed above has been paid to the Treasurer.
(ii) Each club or individual wishing to be affiliated shall pay to the Treasurer the relevant fee on or before 6th October each season.
(a) The Officers of the Association shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Administrative Secretary, Treasurer, National Councillor, Senior Match Secretary, Veterans Match Secretary, Junior Match Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Tournaments Secretary, Umpires Secretary, Coaching Officer, Press & Publicity Officer, Essex County Schools Representative, Development Officer and Welfare Officer.
(b) Forms for the nomination of Officers (other than National Councillor) shall be forwarded by the General Secretary to all leagues and directly affiliated clubs in membership at least 28 days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting. Each league or directly affiliated club shall be entitled to nominate as many persons as there are vacancies to be filled and no more. No nomination will be effective unless received by the General Secretary within 21 days of the issue of the nomination papers.
(c) Voting for the election of Officers (other than National Councillor) shall be by postal vote (if there are more valid nominations than vacancies to be filled) which shall be conducted in such manner as the Association may from time to time determine. Each league or directly affiliated Club shall be entitled to one vote, whereas the vote of a directly affiliated club shall count as one vote only, the vote of a league shall count as the number of votes equal to the number of affiliated teams within that league.
(d) Officers (other than National Councillor) shall serve from the first day following the AGM unless they have been re-elected in the meantime. All Officers shall be eligible for re-election.
(e) Removal of an Officer: Any Officer may be removed from Office by a resolution of the Management Committee. At least seven days’ written notice of intention to propose such a resolution must be given to all members of the Management Committee. Such a resolution shall be carried only if at least two thirds of those present cast a vote in favour.
(f) Casual Vacancy: A vacancy which exists at the AGM shall be filled at the AGM. A vacancy which needs to be filled after the AGM shall be filled by the agreement of the Management Committee.
(g) Between 01 May and 15 June each season the Management Committee shall elect the National Councillor to represent the County for the following season, after considering all nominations submitted to them by members of the Association. Any Management Committee meeting called specifically for this purpose shall not be construed as a Management committee meeting as referred to in Rule 9(a).
(h) The General Secretary shall send a copy of the Management Committee Minute recording the election certified by himself and one other responsible Officer, to reach the E.T.T.A. General Secretary or such other person as may be designated for the purpose by the E.T.T.A. Management Committee, by 22 June.
(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed (subject to the control of the AGM) by a Management Committee consisting of the Officers and 1 Representative appointed by each Local League in affiliation. This Committee to meet at least 6 times each season.
(b) Co-option. The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt other members of the Association. Co-opted members have the right to vote.
(c) Casual Vacancies. The Management Committee shall have the power to fill a vacancy in any office or on the Committee until the next AGM.
(d) At least 7 days notice in writing of the place, date and time of each Meeting shall be sent to every member entitled to attend that meeting.
(e) Quorum. The business of the Management Committee may be transacted by no less than 5 members.
(f) Chair. In the absence of both Chairman and Vice Chairman the Committee shall elect 1 of its members to take the chair for the meeting.
(g) Voting. Every question at meetings of the Committee shall be determined by a majority of the members present, and voting, every member having one vote. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
(h) Regulations. The Committee shall have power to make regulations to cover such matters not
specifically dealt with in these Rules as they think fit.
(i) Standing Sub-Committees. At its first meeting following the AGM, the Management Committee shall appoint sub-committees to deal with the following matters:-
(1) General Planning
(2) Disciplinary
(3) Senior Affairs
(4) Junior Affairs
(5) Veteran Affairs
(6) Competitions
(7) Tournaments
(8) Umpires (Meetings of this sub-committee shall be convened by the Umpire’s Secretary)
(9) Coaching
(10) Development
All sub-committees shall consist of not less than 5 members, 3 of which shall be members of the Management Committee. All sub-committees shall meet as and when deemed appropriate, by direction of the Management Committee or any member of the sub-committee.
(j) Any sub-committee shall, in the performance of it’s duties, conform to any terms of reference laid down by the Management Committee. The Chairman of a sub-committee shall be responsible for reporting to the Management Committee whenever they or the Management Committee considers it appropriate.
(k) An Emergency committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and General Secretary shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Management Committee in the event of a decision being required between Management Committee meetings.
(a) Each season the Association shall hold an annual General Meeting during May.
(b) Notice. To call an AGM the General Secretary shall give at least 21 days notice in writing of the place, date and hour together with the Agenda to the President, Vice-Presidents, Life Members and Officers, and to the General Secretary of each Local League and Directly Affiliated Club and to each Directly Affiliated Individual.
(c) Accredited Representative. Each Local League shall appoint 1 Accredited Representative to attend each Annual General Meeting who shall hold an official Accredited Representative card signed by the General Secretary of the Local League. Only the Accredited Representative shall be entitled to cast his League vote(s). In the absence of an official Accredited Representative card, the Chairman of the AGM shall decide who will represent a League, in case of dispute.
(d) Any Local League which does not send an Accredited Representative to an AGM shall be fined £5.
(e) Right to attend. Attendance at the Meeting shall be open to all members as defined in Rule 4 (a) (iv).
(f) Agenda. The following items shall be included:- (1) Minutes of the previous AGM (2) Minutes of any Special Meeting held since the previous AGM (3) Annual Reports of Officers. (4) Statement of Accounts (5) Proposition for alteration of Rules (if any) or motions of which the General Secretary has received notice in writing not later than 01 March. (6) Election of President, Vice-Presidents etc (7) Report on election of Officers (8) election of Auditors. Motions not included in the Agenda shall not be voted upon except with the permission of the Chairman.
(g) Voting. Resolutions affecting the Rules of the Association shall be subject to 1 vote per league. A resolution to be declared carried must be by a majority of votes cast. Other matters may be decided by voting on a show of hands at the discretion of the Chairman. A simple majority shall secure adoption and in the case of equality, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(h) The quorum for General Meetings shall be 33% of the affiliated Leagues. In the event of there not being a quorum for the AGM the meeting shall stand adjourned for 14 days, and any members present at the adjourned meeting shall form a quorum. Should there not be quorum for Special General Meetings called under rule 11, the meetings will automatically be cancelled.
(a) A Special General Meeting shall be convened on a resolution of the management Committee or within 28 days of receipt by the General Secretary of a resolution signed by at least 50% of the number of Affiliated Leagues stating the business to be transacted at the meeting.
(b) Rule 10 (except sub-rules (a) and (f) shall apply.
(c) A Special General Meeting shall transact only such business as is specified in the resolution or requisition convening it.
(a) Bank Account. The funds of the Association shall be kept at a Bank provided that the Treasurer may invest funds of the Association in suitable Government National Savings Schemes with the prior approval of the Management Committee.
(b) Cheque Signatories. All cheques etc. drawn on the Bank account shall be signed by any 2 of the following: Chairman, General Secretary or Treasurer.
(c) The Financial Year of the Association shall end on 30 April.
In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Association, any surplus assets remaining after discharge of liability shall automatically vest in the E.T.T.A who shall hold them for a period of 6 years in trust to pay them to any organisation set up with identical or similar objects to those of the Association (the E.T.T.A during such period making every endeavour to promote, and encourage the formulation of such an organisation and thereafter for the general purpose of the E.T.T.A.).
(a) Any Individual or Club aggrieved by a decision or action of a Local League or Committee or Officer of such League, may appeal against such decision or action, to this Association.
(b) Each appeal shall be determined by 3 members of the Disciplinary Committee referred to in
Rule 15(a) selected by the Chairman thereof to form a Board of Appeal.
(c) Any such appeal shall be made by notice in writing to the General Secretary within 21 days of notification to the appellant of the decision or action appealed against. Such notice shall be accompanied by a fee of £10 in the case of an Individual or £30 in the case of a Club, together with a copy of the current handbook of the League, which shall be regarded as a respondent to the appeal, as shall any other individual or Club involved.
(d) Upon receipt of any appeal the General Secretary shall within 14 days appoint a Board of Appeal and a Chairman thereof.
(e) If he/she should consider it necessary, the said Chairman shall require the appellant and/or the respondent or respondents to provide the board of Appeal with any additional information relevant to the appeal.
(f) Forthwith upon the appointment of the Board of Appeal, or the receipt by it of said additional information (whichever shall be the later), a date shall be set for the hearing of the appeal no more than 21 days thereafter and notice in writing thereof given to the appellant and all respondents, together with all relevant documentation.
(g) The appellant and all respondents shall be entitled to be heard by the Board of Appeal in person in the case of an Individual or, in the case of a Club/League by a representative who shall previously have been nominated in writing. Alternatively any party not wishing to attend may make written representations.
(h) The decision of the Board of Appeal, which shall be final and binding upon all parties, shall be published forthwith and a written minute of the same shall be sent to the appellant and all respondents.
(j) The fees paid as above shall be returned if the Board of Appeal considers the making of an appeal to have been justified (whatever the result).
(k) Whilst any appeal is pending the decision against which such appeal has been made shall not have effect. An appeal shall be deemed to be pending form the time a valid notice of appeal is received by the General Secretary.
(a) The Standing Sub-Committee referred to in Rule 9(i) shall be called the Disciplinary Committee.
(b) Members of the Disciplinary Committee shall (unless they resign) serve until the end of the season in which they are appointed and thereafter until the appointment of their successors. Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Management Committee.
(c) Any complaint against a Local League, Club, Player or Official alleging misconduct of any kind and in particular conduct likely to bring the Association of the game of Table tennis into disrepute, shall be made in writing to the General Secretary expeditiously giving full details, provided that in the first instance any complaint involving a Player or an Official of a Local League shall first be dealt with by that Local League. Only if such Local League is unable or unwilling to adjudicate on the said complaint shall the matter be refered to the Disciplinary Committee in which event the said complaint shall be accompanied by a fee of £20, which shall be returned if the Disciplinary Committee considers the making of the complaint to have been justified.
(d) A decision may be taken by not less than three members of the Disciplinary Committee, all of whom must have been present throughout the hearing.
(e) Any member having an interest in the matter to be discussed, or who considers themselves to have a conflict of interest, must declare the same as soon as they are aware of it and must not be present in their capacity as a member of the Disciplinary Committee during the transaction of that business.
(f) Should disqualification under Rule 15(e) leave less than the 3 members as required by Rule 15(d), the Management Committee shall appoint sufficient members to make the numbers up to 3, such members serving only for the particular matter for which they are appointed.
(g) The Disciplinary Committee shall follow the procedure laid down by the National Council of the E.T.T.A. as included in Appendix ‘E’ to the rules of the E.T.T.A.
(h) If a formal allegation is proved to its satisfaction the Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to impose on the member or organisation guilty of the act, conduct or breach referred to, one or more of the following penalties:-
(i) suspension from privileges of membership of the Association for a stated period;
(ii) a fine, not exceeding £20;
(iii) censure;
(iv) the offender(s) be dealt with in such other manner as the Disciplinary Committee shall think fit.
(j) The Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee shall, within 7 days of the hearing, notify its decision(s) in writing to the General Secretary who shall then notify the charged member or organisation and the complainant in writing at the same time sending the charged member or organisation a copy of E.T.T.A. Rule 36 (Right of Appeal) if the charge has been proved.
Any Individual, Club or Local League aggrieved by a decision or action of this Association, or a Committee or Officer of this Association (except the determination of an appeal) may appeal against such decision or action to the Board of Appeal of the E.T.T.A.
In the event of any question or matter arising which is not covered by these Rules, it shall be dealt with by the Management Committee.
(a) These Rules may be changed (whether by addition, alteration or deletion) only by decision of an AGM or Special General Meeting convened for the purpose.
(b) Proposals for such changes to be considered by the next AGM shall be submitted in writing to reach the General Secretary not later than 01 March. All proposals so received shall be circulated to all local leagues, directly affiliated clubs, and directly affiliated individuals affiliated to the Association by 21 March, and amendments or alternative proposals dealing with the same subject matter shall be accepted for consideration by the AGM if submitted in writing, and received by the General Secretary not later than 11 April. Details of proposed rule changes and amendments shall be sent to all local Leagues and directly affiliated clubs at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
(c) Proposals for such changes to be considered by a Special General Meeting shall be submitted to the General Secretary in writing together with the requisition for the Special General Meeting.
The distinction of Honorary Life Members may be conferred for special or long service to Table Tennis in Essex. The distinction shall be conferred only at an AGM and candidates shall be nominated only by Trustees of the Corti-Woodcock Memorial Award. At the AGM candidates shall be voted upon separately, and only candidates receiving 75% of the voting strength at the AGM shall receive the distinction.
The County Badge may be awarded to players who have played in the County 1st team in not less than 3 matches in the National County Championships. A special badge may be awarded to other County representative players at the discretion of the Committee. The standard of conduct, team spirit and playing dress will also be considered before a badge is awarded. It shall be within the power of the Management Committee to withdraw a player’s badge in the event of conduct not in the best interests of the game.
In addition the County shall make available for Officers a special badge to be worn on a blazer. This will be available only to Officers of the Association who have served a minimum period of 2 years on the main committee, with the exception of the main Officers namely the Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer who shall be eligible to a badge on appointment, full cost to be borne by the individual concerned.
This award shall be administered by a Board of Trustees set up in accordance with the resolution passed by a Management Committee meeting on 19 March 1959, as amended from time to time by any joint decision of the existing trustees and the Committee.
(a) The Award, which shall be known as the ‘‘Harry Walker’’ Memorial Trophy, will be made annually to “The Players’ Player of the Year’’.
(b) The recipient of the Award shall be the player receiving the most nominations in accordance with these Regulations. In the event of a tie, the Award will be shared.
(c) The Award shall be administered by a Sub-Committee of 3 people to be appointed annually at the first Management meeting following the AGM. The decisions of the appointed Sub-Committee on all matters appertaining the Award shall be final.
(d) Any player who is a bona-fide member of a Club affiliated to the Association shall be eligible for nomination.
(e) Any player who is a bona-fide member of a Club affiliated to the Association shall be entitled to make one written nomination. The official nomination form together with the name, address, telephone number and Club of the player making the nomination, signature and date, are clearly shown and the requirements of these Regulations are met.
(f) Nomination forms shall be circulated annually, prior to the AGM, and must be correctly completed and returned to the General Secretary of the Association by the closing date, which will be shown on the form.
(g) The winner of the Award will be announced at the AGM.